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Why Thunderbird Still Matters

Published on April 13, 2007 in Asides

Wired has an interesting interview with Mozilla Thunderbird lead engineer Scott MacGregor discussing the continued relevance of desktop email clients. I would like to have heard more about where Thunderbird is headed in areas such as with Penelope, the Eudora replacement version of Thunderbird, but nevertheless it is a good article about how Mozilla plans on dealing with the threat of web based email applications like Gmail and Yahoo Mail.


  1. we, March 28, 2008:

    I use both yahoo and gmail, but I would never consider handing over my important emails for online storage. Not mention the incessant advertising that yahoo stuffs into its email interface, which sometimes becomes nearly unusable as it gets jammed up with java and flash.

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Leslie Franke:[les-lee fran-key]; 1. Husband and proud dogowner; 2. Seventh-day Adventist; 3. Web Designer; 4. Atlanta Braves Fan; 5. Northeast Ohio Native; 6. Bottle Caps Lover; 7. Certified 'Freakonomic';