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Archive for June, 2010

Refreshing Changes

Published on June 4, 2010 in General

I have launched a new look for the lesliefranke.com. I have been working on this for the past few weeks, and it is still a work in progress, as changes will continue to roll out across the site in the coming days and weeks.

I was happy with the general feel of the previous design I used but it has been several years since any changes have been made. I focused on a few things I wanted to change, hopefully bring increased legibility and usability to the site while opening up the design and letting more space in. In addition, as rest of the cool kids are doing I have added my latest thoughts from twitter to the site as well.

The latest look for lesliefranke.com

Who Am I?

Leslie Franke Profile

Leslie Franke:[les-lee fran-key]; 1. Husband and proud dogowner; 2. Seventh-day Adventist; 3. Web Designer; 4. Atlanta Braves Fan; 5. Northeast Ohio Native; 6. Bottle Caps Lover; 7. Certified 'Freakonomic';