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Noia DIA & Theme

Published on September 30, 2004 in Palm


I have created a new 16-bit Palm T3 DIA and a revamped Noial ZLauncher theme for download. The Noia ZLauncher theme has been changed to make it more colorful and to match the 16-Bit DIA. The Palm T3 DIA skin requires the use of SkinT3! and the Noia ZLauncher theme will work on any Palm OS handheld with at least a 320×320 screen resolution

I have made several changes to the T3 Noial DIA skin that have been requested by others including changing a few icons to make them stand out more.

Warning: Many of the icons in the ZLauncher theme have changed. Installing this new skin will apply different buttons to each function.

Download Links:
T3 Noia DIA ZLauncher Noia Theme
ZLauncher Noia Theme

Printing Table Header & Footer with CSS

Published on September 29, 2004 in Design

Most of our Websydian pages are tables of data that extend over many pages when printed. One of the most important things to the user is always that the necessary headers and footers show up in the correct place. While it has always been easy to do this with Mozilla based browsers I recently ran across a way to do this in IE 6.
As long as the THEADs and TFOOTs are in their proper place Mozilla will print the table header and footer on each page. With IE, it is not that simple, IE requires the CSS properties display:table-header-group and display:table-footer-group to be used explicitly. Below is the sample CSS to define in your print stylesheet:

/*Needed for IE6. Must be stated explicitly to force the thead and tfoot to print on every page*/
thead { display: table-header-group;}
tfoot {display: table-footer-group;}

Testing Web Pages with Multiple Versions of IE

Published on in Design

One of the issues with creating web pages has always been a way to test them in different versions of IE. While there have been solutions to this problem, it has become easy for web designers to set up and maintain a single system for testing pages in older versions of IE. Joe Maddalone located the file (iexplore.exe.local) that allows more than one copy of IE on a computer. To run one of the stand-alone IE versions, simply extract the files from the ZIP archive, putting them in a separate directory on your computer. You can then launch the stand-alone older version of IE by double-clicking the iexplore.exe file in that directory.

Download the files from http://www.insert-title.com/Web_design/?page=articles/dev/multi_IE.

Creating Your Own T3 Agenda Background

Published on September 28, 2004 in Palm

For those of use who own a Palm Tungsten T3 you may have noticed that the Agenda view in Calendar application uses a background picture. This background can easily be changed, using any JPG, PNG or GIF image, with help from the “Personalize your T3/TE agenda” web page, Khroma, and F3T3AgendaBG.

Instructions on how to do this are located at http://www.jeannot.org/~js/cgi-bin/t3background.html. Note that Colorize can be used in place of Khroma.

Today Skins

Published on September 26, 2004 in Palm

I have created several 16-Bit Today skins. These skins will work on any 16-bit Palm OS 5 handheld running the Today application. In addition, you will most likely need to use Force16 (bundled with this download) and a hack manager to force Today to 16-bit mode. I suggest you use YAHM as your hack manager..

16-Bit Today Skins

Today Skins Download

Hiding ROM Based Applications

Published on September 23, 2004 in Palm

Just ran across this simple but very effective Palm utility. Obfuscate lets you easily hide ROM based applications from appearing on your Palm screen. All you have to do is toggle the application on or off in Obfuscate. Very importantly your hidden apps will remain hidden even after a soft-reset. Obfuscate is freeware and can be downloaded from Pocket Science.

Browse the Web Like Never Before

Published on September 15, 2004 in Firefox

Get Firefox!Mozilla Firefox is a open-source, fast, full-featured browser for Windows that makes browsing more efficient than ever. If you have not yet tried it out you should. Some features of Mozilla Firefox:

* Download manager: Easily keep track of multiple downloads from one window.
* Extensions: Add additional functionality to Firefox as you need it making Firefox completely unique.
* Live bookmarks: Pull live news from web sites without ever visiting the site.
* Popup blocking: Complete control over popups with Firefox.
* Security security security: No adware, no spyware, nothing that you did not install yourself.
* Tabbed browsing: Open multiple sites in one window.
* Themes: Make Firefox look like you want it to.

Who Am I?

Leslie Franke Profile

Leslie Franke:[les-lee fran-key]; 1. Husband and proud dogowner; 2. Seventh-day Adventist; 3. Web Designer; 4. Atlanta Braves Fan; 5. Northeast Ohio Native; 6. Bottle Caps Lover; 7. Certified 'Freakonomic';