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iPalm ZLauncher Theme

Published on November 5, 2004 in Palm

I have just finished a new theme called iPalm. iPalm is a ZLauncher Theme (Skin) loosely based on the default skin for Apple Computer’s iTunes software.

Highlights of the iPalm ZLauncher theme include:
* Looks good with any ZLauncher screen setup, including when Transparent UI is turned on
* High quality, crisp & clear icons (they are reworked versions of my Icon Manager icon sets.
* The function buttons all have rollovers that change the look of the button.

Now for the fun part. This theme is not free like rest of the themes (it is shareware) I have put together. No worries, though, charging for ZLauncher themes is not going to become a trend. I decided to charge for this theme to hopefully allow me to break even on my server and bandwidth costs invovled in hosting my other icons and themes on my website.

You can get this theme from PalmGear for $2.75 and a demo version is available. I hope you like it and find it worthy of purchase.

Let me know what you think or how it can be improved.

Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 Released

Published on in Firefox

Thunderbird 0.9 is now out! New features include:

* Saved Search Folders
Saved Search Folders display messages based on previously set search criteria. For example, instead of filtering messages into a new folder, you could create a Saved Search Folder that lists all the messages received from a certain person over the past 30 days.

* Message Grouping
You can now group messages in a folder by attributes such as date, sender, priority or a custom label.

Get it from the Thunderbird home page.

Firefox Searchbox Size

Published on October 31, 2004 in Firefox

You can change the size of the search box in Firefox 1.0PR to suit your needs. To make the search bar longer, you need to add a couple of CSS rules to your userChrome.css file. This file is located in your profile directory and can be hard to find. To make this change very easily, first get the chromEdit extension that allows you to edit the userChrome.css in your Firefox. Once you have added the code save the file, by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the Chrome Edit window and restart Firefox. The code is as follows:

width: 15em;

width: 15em;

Free Palm Icon Collections

Published on October 28, 2004 in Palm

I have not released any updates to my Icon Manager icons for awhile. I have been slowly creating another set but in the meantime here are some links to other free icon sets of high qualtity.

Haslo’s Datebk5 Icons
Icons by Schtunks
Schedule Set Icons by Guildenstern
UBI Icon Collection

T3 DIA Graffiti Skins

Published on October 12, 2004 in Palm

I have created a couple of Tungsten DIA graffiti skins, in both landscape and portrait mode, for use on a T3 with SkinT3! All of these skins focus on our friend, Tux, the penguin and are designed to be merged with other skins in SkinT3!.

Download link: Tux DIA Graffiti Skins

Tux DIA Graffiti Skins

Update to NoiaDIA and ZLauncher Theme

Published on in Palm

I have updated the Noia ZLauncher theme and DIA to fix a bug that was causing one icon, in each one, to render incorrectly. You can get the Noia ZLauncher theme from here and the DIA from here.

Handy Firefox Extensions

Published on October 7, 2004 in Firefox

One of the many reasons why Firefox is superior to other browsers is its use of extensions giving the user all kinds of additional functionality. A quick plug for the Firefox extensions I am currently using:

Firefox Extensions:

— Filters ads from web pages.
Allow Right-Click 0.1
— Defeats web sites’ right-click prevention scripts.
BugMeNot 0.6
— Bypass compulsory web registration via www.bugmenot.com.
ChromEdit 0.1.1
— Provides easy editing of user profile folders within Firefox.
ColorZilla 0.6.3
— Color picker and page zoomer in Firefox’s status bar.
Google Pagerank Status 0.9.2
— Display the Google pagerank in Firefox’s status bar.
ListZilla 0.5
— Outputs an alphabetical list of either extensions or themes to a file.
mozImage 0.10.0
— A image browser from within Firefox.
Print It! 0.2
— Adds print and print preview options to the context menu.
Sage 1.2.2
— A RSS and ATOM feed aggregator.
Statusbar Clock 1.6.4
— Display the date and time in Firefox’s status bar
Tabbrowser Extensions 1.11.2004092801
— Enhacements to tabbed browsing.
TargetAlert 0.7.2
— Visual cues for the destinations of hyperlinks that are not web pages.
User Agent Switcher 0.6
— Switch the user agent of the Firefox.
WeatherFox 0.5
— Get the weather forecast from within Firefox.
Web Developer 0.8
— Adds various web developer tools.
WebmailCompose 0.5.6
— Makes mailto: links load your webmail account’s compose page

Who Am I?

Leslie Franke Profile

Leslie Franke:[les-lee fran-key]; 1. Husband and proud dogowner; 2. Seventh-day Adventist; 3. Web Designer; 4. Atlanta Braves Fan; 5. Northeast Ohio Native; 6. Bottle Caps Lover; 7. Certified 'Freakonomic';