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Layered Metals ZLauncher Theme

Published on January 5, 2005 in Palm

ZL Themes has released another excellent ZLauncher theme and VG/SB skin. From the site, ” Beautiful ZLauncher theme to go with the ClieSkinner’s Layered Metals VG/SB. This theme uses great Greens and Metals to give your PDA a Great Metal-blend look. ” I could not agree more. As this theme is currently available to site members only it is just one more reason to get a ZL Themes membership.

Shadow Plan Updated

Published on January 4, 2005 in Palm

An excellent piece of Palm software Shadow Plan 4.1, has recently been released with updates for the Palm software and the Windows and Mac desktops. Shadow Plan is a task manager, outliner, and hierarchical checklist system. Some improvements include:

* Filtering has been added to the desktop version
* Icon Manager icon support have been added to the Palm software

Why is this important besides Shadow Plan being an excellent product. Here’s why. A subset of the Icon Manager icons available from PDA Shine was included as the default icon set in the release. Hope you enjoy.

eBooks via RSS

Published on in Software

Just ran across a unique idea. Russell Beattie has added a new feature to his Mobdex project. You can now have small chunks of an ebook delivered to you daily in a RSS feed. If you have not had the time to read any Project Gutenberg books yet here is another way that is available.

Link: Russell Beattie Notebook

Christmas ZLauncher Theme

Published on December 22, 2004 in Palm

ZLThemes has posted a nice looking Christmas ZLauncher theme. The theme can be download from there website. Best of all the theme is free.

Christmas Icon Manager Icons

Published on in Palm

Icon Manager Icons

I have put together a few Christmas Icon Manager icons. You can get them from here. They are not the most useful of icon sets but I hope you enjoy anyway.

For those of you without a hi-res Palm a set of free Christmas icons, by DOTRIX, can be download from PalmGear. Give them a try.

Astraware Holiday Countdown Sale

Published on December 14, 2004 in Palm

I noticed Astraware is having a holiday countdown sale. According to their web site, “Every day from December 13th to 26th we’re offering at least two of our games at a discounted price. Whether you enjoy puzzles, word games, action or adventure titles, there’s something in our stocking for you. As a special bonus for owners of Palm OS devices, five of our retro titles are being made available for free, one on each day for the first five days.” For the first 5 days of the sale one of the following titles will be made available for free: Seven Seas, Bzzz!, Police Range, Astro Defence, and Nisqually. Looks like there may be some good deals on some of Astrware games. If you do not already have it pick up Seven Seas for free. I would say it is the only one of the free games worth much if you have a newer handheld.

Zondervan’s NIV Study Bible Review

Published on December 8, 2004 in Palm

Tanker Bob has a review of the Zondervan’s NIV Study Bible for Palm OS and PPC at PDA Buyer’s Guide. If you have not seen it before also check out his Palm OS Scripture (Bible) Program Review. Both reviews are excellent.

Who Am I?

Leslie Franke Profile

Leslie Franke:[les-lee fran-key]; 1. Husband and proud dogowner; 2. Seventh-day Adventist; 3. Web Designer; 4. Atlanta Braves Fan; 5. Northeast Ohio Native; 6. Bottle Caps Lover; 7. Certified 'Freakonomic';