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Protecting Pirated PDA Software

Published on February 8, 2005 in Palm

It does not take much looking to find groups of people, through the web, using illegal copies of software on their PDA. According to a forum thread at MobileRead.com it appears that the developer of Pocket Mechanic has added some coding to the program to fight back.

If someone uses a pirated serial number with certain versions of Pocket Mechanic the software detects the pirated key and hard resets the PDA. Maybe it is just me but this goes way to far. In the United States we have laws against this kind of thing, you cannot take justice into your own hands. Secondly, this is just stupid. It is a fight that the developer cannot win. Those cracking the software will always stay one step ahead, all the developer of Pocket Mechanic is doing is alienting honest pontential buyers of his software. It would seem wise to stay away from all software developed by Anton Tomov. This list includes Pocket Hack Master, Pocket Mechanic, Pocket Battery Analyzer, PocketPC Mark, GPRS Keep Alive.

Google Does Maps

Published on in General

Check out the latest entry into Google’s Lab: Google Maps. It looks very promising. Hopefully it will do for maps what Gmail did for web based mail.

This Site’s RSS Feeds

Published on February 6, 2005 in General

Three buttons have been added to help you subscribe to this site’s RSS feeds using various services: Bloglines, My Yahoo, and News Gator. These buttons can be found on the bottom right hand side of this page. Clicking on anyone of these buttons will automatically lesliefranke.com to your list of feeds at that service. You can learn more about RSS by going to Wikipedia.

Update to iPalm ZLauncher Theme

Published on in General

A second ZLauncher theme, iPalm Classic, has been added to the download package at PalmGear.

iPalm ZLauncher Theme and DIA Download Link

iPalm ZLauncher Theme

Crystal ZLauncher Icon Set

Published on February 3, 2005 in General

ZLauncher Crystal IconsThe ZLauncher Crystal icon set has been recreated. It now includes both large and small icons. They should be much more clearer this time. Because of the added icons, a little different approach was taken when creating this set. The set does not include as many applications this time because it was getting to big. To customize your own set get ZLauncher Iconset Factory by Bob Eaton.

Download Link for ZLauncher Crystal Icons

Crystal VG skins

Published on February 2, 2005 in General

Just created portrait and landscape Crystal VG skins, for Clie Skinner, that matches the Crystal ZLauncher theme and DIA.

Download Link

Crystal VG Skins

Crystal Popup Suite 1.1

Published on in Palm

Crystal Popup SuiteCrystal Popup Suite 1.1, a hack/da type software with skin support, has been released. CPS comes with a full manual and including all these functions: advanced calculator, color notepad & drawing program, timer & stopwatch, and a program launcher. I had never used or even heard of this program before until recently but have begun to find it very useful on my T3 providing me quick access to many of the functions I use on my Palm in one place instead of them being scattered everywhere. If you download the software be sure to try out the Crystal skin (in the interest of full disclosure it was designed by me). It integrates nicely with the Crystal ZLauncher and DIA skins.

Who Am I?

Leslie Franke Profile

Leslie Franke:[les-lee fran-key]; 1. Husband and proud dogowner; 2. Seventh-day Adventist; 3. Web Designer; 4. Atlanta Braves Fan; 5. Northeast Ohio Native; 6. Bottle Caps Lover; 7. Certified 'Freakonomic';