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Author Archive

Mozilla on a Smart Phone

Published on March 8, 2005 in Firefox, Palm

Asa Doezler has a neat picture of a cell phone with Google running in a Minimo (Mozilla/Firefox for the small screen) browser. Rafael Ebron is also showing a couple of pictures of devices running the Minimo on Windows CE .

Looks very promising. Now if we could only get a port to the Palm platform.

ZLauncher iPalm Theme and DIA/VG Upgrade

Published on March 7, 2005 in Palm

The iPalm ZLauncher Theme has been updated and is available at PalmGear. I added a ZLauncher Icon Set with 99 large icons and 99 small icons. These icons will also work with programs such as AppIcon.

iPalm ZLauncher Theme

Google Desktop Search Out of Beta

Published on in Firefox, Software

Google Desktop Search is now out of beta. It allows you to use Google technology to search files on your hard disk including new support for Mozilla programs, including the Firefox and Thunderbird programs. It can also now index PDF files, music and images. The neat thing is that developers can now use plugins to include their software in the search. Plugins are already available Trillian and OpenOffice.org.

Netscape Browser v8.0 Beta Public Release

Published on March 3, 2005 in Web

Netscape has just made a public release of Netscape Browser 8.0 Beta. The browser is based on Mozilla Firefox 1.0 and offers support for both the Gecko (Mozilla) and Internet Explorer rendering engines. I have been playing with this beta for awhile and there are several cool, new features:

  • Site Controls allows users to enable and disable features like ActiveX and cookies on a per site basis.
  • Multi-Bar allows users to have many screen widgets like map searches, RSS feeds, and weather forecasts.

Now if they would only get rid of that ugly default user interface.

Font Collector is Now Free

Published on in Palm

Font Collector has now been updated to be free under the GPL. Font Collector will “convert fonts from about dozen Palm font package types to about half a dozen types.”

Font Collector

Changing the Key Text Color on the Palm DIA Area

Published on in Palm

A problem that exists on many Palm DIA skins is that the color of the key text is always white, somtimes making it hard to read. It has always been possible to change this color my using a hex editor such as Bird and modifying the pinStdKeyboard.prc in RAM.

There is now a much easier way to do this thanks to Gilles Reichert. KeyColor will change not only the key text but also the color of the icons in the virtual graffiti area and the background color.

PDA Version of Georgia’s Traffic Website

Published on in Palm

For anyone living in the Atlanta and Macon areas of Georgia, there is a a neat PDA version of the state’s traffic website.

Georgia Traffic Website

Who Am I?

Leslie Franke Profile

Leslie Franke:[les-lee fran-key]; 1. Husband and proud dogowner; 2. Seventh-day Adventist; 3. Web Designer; 4. Atlanta Braves Fan; 5. Northeast Ohio Native; 6. Bottle Caps Lover; 7. Certified 'Freakonomic';