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Author Archive

iPalm iSpin Skin

Published on March 30, 2005 in Palm

In the same spirit as the iPalm ZLauncher theme I have uploaded an iPalm Skin for iSpin to PalmGear. Included in the set is the iSpin skin and the DIAs/VG available in the ZLauncher theme set.

iPalm iSpin Skin and DIA/VG

Let me know what you think or how it can be improved.

iPalm iSpin Skin

Update to LF Icon Set

Published on in Palm

An updated LF icon set is now ready for download.

Palm Icons Download Link

LF Icon Manager Icons for Agendus and Datebk

Mobile Version of Answers.com

Published on in Palm

Answers.com is now accessible with mobile devices at mobile.answers.com. The beta mobile version includes all of the reference sources available in on the main version of Answers.com but has been specially formatted for smaller screens.

IE 7 Details Begin to Emerge

Published on March 15, 2005 in Design

Microsoft Watch is reporting some more details that have began to emerge about IE 7. Some highlights:

“Sources say that IE 7.0 – which is code-named “Rincon,” they hear – will be a tabbed browser.

IE 7.0 will feature international domain name (IDN) support; transparent Portable Network Graphics (PNG) support, which will allow for the display of overlayed images in the browser; and new functionality that will simplify printing from inside IE 7.0, partner sources said. The new browser also will likely include a built-in news aggregator.”

Update to Symbol and Lo Res Palm Icon Sets

Published on March 14, 2005 in Palm

Updated LF Symbol and LF Lo Res Icon Manager icon set are now ready for download.

Palm Icons Download Link

Gorilla ZLauncher Theme

Published on March 10, 2005 in Palm

The ZLauncher Gorilla theme has been recreated from scratch. You should fine the crispness and transparency of the icons in the theme much improved. In addition, several new backgrounds have been added. Download from here.

Gorilla ZLauncher Image

Turn Firefox into Opera or Even IE

Published on in Firefox

Opera Logo
Take a look at this interesting site that is devoted to making Mozilla Firefox look and function like Opera through various extensions and themes. A great example of how customizable Firefox is.

Note: Not to leave anybody out, there is also a site that shows you how to make Firefox function and look like IE.

Who Am I?

Leslie Franke Profile

Leslie Franke:[les-lee fran-key]; 1. Husband and proud dogowner; 2. Seventh-day Adventist; 3. Web Designer; 4. Atlanta Braves Fan; 5. Northeast Ohio Native; 6. Bottle Caps Lover; 7. Certified 'Freakonomic';