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HTML Cheat Sheet

Published on September 13, 2005 in Design

The last thing the world needs is another HTML or XHTML cheat sheet. That being said, here is another HTML cheat sheet, a simple and quick one page guide to HTML (For a good collection of other cheat sheets see The Cheat Sheet Roundup or HTML, CSS, PHP, and More Cheat Sheets). HTMl Cheat SheetInspired by the basic look and design of Dave Child’s cheat sheets I hope you will find it useful.

I am also currently working on a CSS cheatsheet. While not as comprehensive as Dave’s if it every gets in a form that is useful to the outside world I will post it here also.

Note: This is still a work in progress and was designed to fit a specific need. Thus, it is not a complete HTML reference, just a quick guide to HTML.

Farkle – A Dice Game for the Palm

Published on September 12, 2005 in Palm

I am not a big mobile game player on my Palm T3 but occasionally like to play a game when a few minutes present themselves. Recently I ran across a game from Smart Box Design, called Farkle, that is one of the best games I have seen for the Palm platform. Farkle (or Farkel) is a dice based game that is a cross between Yahtzee and craps and which is played with six dice. The game play is straightforward and simple. The object is to score points by rolling combinations of dice, until one player’s score reaches the winning threshold (10,000).

You can play Farkle against friends & family or choose between six virtual players, all with distinct personalities and names such as Nervous Nell and Steady Stan. Farkle for the Palm OSEach player starts their turn by rolling all six dice. From this roll, any or all of the scoring possibilities may be held and the remaining dice rolled again (If all six of the dice are held, then all six may be re-rolled). This continues until the player decides to keep the points they have accumulated, during their turn, and pass or until no scoring combinations are rolled (called a Farkle). When a Farkle occurs all points accumulated for that players turn is lost. Farkle three times in a row and 1,000 points are subtracted from your score. When the first player crosses the magic threshold, all other players get one more chance to top that player’s score. If a player can, then that player wins. Otherwise, the first player to cross that threshold is the winner.

Like all games from Smart Box Design the presentation of Farkle on the screen is outstanding. The graphics are very crisp and clean (plays in 160×160 or 320×320 mode) and the sound effects are not overwhelming, adding nicely to the game’s atmosphere. Overall, Farkle is one of the best games I have played on the Palm platform, very addicting and entertaining.

ClieSource Icons Complete 3.2

Published on September 9, 2005 in Palm

Joel Suplido, of 1src fame, has made his ClieSource Icons collection freeware. This collection is one of the nicest ones out there. According to Joel, “These icons are now FREE. 100% of the past sales will be donated to the American Red Cross Hurricane Katrina Fund.”

Web Development Toolbar for IE

Published on September 7, 2005 in Design

As a follow up to my posts about “Rapid Web Development and Testing with Mozilla Firefox” there is also a nice free toolbar for use when developing with IE. The Web Accessibility Toolbar (developed by the Accessible Information Solutions team at the National Information and Library Service) in many ways works like the “Web Developer Extension” by Chris Pederick. The toolbar provides the developer with all kinds of information about the structure and styles of a site. When testing and working with IE, it is a nice tool to have at your disposal.

Screenshot extension for Firefox

Published on September 2, 2005 in Firefox

Just ran across a neat extension for Firefox called ScreenGrab. ScreenGrab takes screenshots of a webpage in three different ways. Most importantly, it allows you to capture the entire web document, including what is below the fold, at once.

Update to Rapid Web Development and Testing with Mozilla Firefox

Published on in Firefox

As a result of suggestions on a thread at the MozillaZine forums, I have made several changes to my “Rapid Web Development and Testing with Mozilla Firefox” presentation.

These changes include:

1. Added a link to Inspect Element extension which acts as a quick shortcut to the DOM inspector.

2. Added a slide for ScreenGrab, a screenshot utility that provides the ability to capture the web page document being viewed, not just what is on the page.

3. Changed the extensions screenshots to use the default Firefox theme.

Free Registration Key for Opera

Published on August 30, 2005 in Design

As part of their 10th birthday celebration Opera, for today only, is giving away free registration keys to the Opera browser. If you want to run Opera without the ads go to Opera Birthday page and request a key. Works as advertised. I got a free key and my version of Opera is now registered.

Who Am I?

Leslie Franke Profile

Leslie Franke:[les-lee fran-key]; 1. Husband and proud dogowner; 2. Seventh-day Adventist; 3. Web Designer; 4. Atlanta Braves Fan; 5. Northeast Ohio Native; 6. Bottle Caps Lover; 7. Certified 'Freakonomic';