Site Stuff is the personal home page and online portfolio of Leslie Franke. This site has been designed and authored by me. This site is a place for me to post articles, tutorials, and comments on subjects that are interesting and useful to me. Most articles on this site are related to web development with the occasional article on other subject matters.
This site is built using WordPress 3 and is hosted on Hosting Matters. All the XHTML and CSS should validate, but some quirks may pop up from time to time.

Karen and Cosmo with Orbit
Personal stuff
I live in a small town in Northeast Ohio in the United States of America. I am married to a wonderful woman, Karen, and have one puppy dog, Cosmo, to call my own. I am a Seventh-Day Adventist.
Professional Stuff
I have been working professionally on the web since 2001. I specialize in valid, semantic and accessible HTML, CSS, WordPress and Java/JSP development. I graduated from the University of Akron with a MBA in corporate finance and international business. I am currently employed by the The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company doing nothing related to my degree. Currently, my work revolves around designing client/server applications and web pages for use internal to Goodyear. This is accomplished using AllFusion Plex, System i, and Java/JSP pages. I advocate for web standards, the users and good project management.Note that any opinions expressed on this site are my personal opinions, and not necessarily shared by my employer.
Everything you see on this site, unless otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. Basically, this means you can use it in a non-commercial manner anyway you like as long as you give me credit and your share the content with anyone else who comes along. For any other use, contact me and we will see if we can work something out.